Selasa, 06 Desember 2016

rare to get pregnant on your period

rare to get pregnant on your period

Even though ovulation during a period is extremely rare, a woman can certainly get pregnant from sex during her question “can i get pregnant on my period. Can you get pregnant after your period? it is unlikely that you will become pregnant after your period, but it isn’t impossible. it is the phase when you move into. Can you be pregnant but still have your period? this one is a very rare, you can get pregnant during your periods..

but yes you can get pregnant while on your period

But yes you can get pregnant while on your period

Can you get pregnant if you have sex during your period? - YouTube

Can you get pregnant if you have sex during your period? - youtube

Can i get pregnant on my period : and you can indeed get pregnant while you’re on your period. even if it is rare for this to happen.. ... can i get pregnant while i have my period? this is actually incredibly rare, since you need to be ovulating to get pregnant. while menstruating, your body. You shouldn't get a period when you are pregnant. is it rare to get ur period when your pregnant? add your answer. source. submit cancel..

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